How to use Taiki
Step 1: Account set up
Email Alan (alan@taiki.online) from the Taiki team for account setup. Provide your desired webhook URL to receive the documents retrieved from Taiki's provided platforms. We will provide you with the api_key
and api_secret
for the next steps.
Step 2: Initialize JWT Token
(For in-depth details: Initialize JWT Token)
Generate a temporary Access Token (JWT) on your server which is used for secure connections between the Taiki App and Taiki's servers. The access token expires in 1 hour.
Send the JWT to your frontend for #step-3-open-taiki-link.
This must be generated on your servers and sent to your front end to the Taiki App.
A JWT token must be generated every time you open the Taiki App.
Step 3: Invoke the Taiki App
(For in-depth details: Invoke the Taiki App)
Send the JWT token from your backend to your frontend then Invoke the Taiki App.
There are two ways to trigger the Taiki App.
Step 4: Receive Data
Upon successful data retrieval, Taiki servers will hit your provided webhook URL above. The payload looks like below. Taiki will retrieve all bank statements and tax-related documents such as various 1099s from the user's accounts. These documents will be accessible via a download URL.
Note: the download link expires within 15 minutes for security reasons.
Last updated